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Videos will not be released until they are completely paid for.

At least half of the fee must be paid by the day of the shoot.


Music Videos

$250 USD.*

To schedule a music video, please email me at, and we can discuss the specifics. Please include a link to the song requiring a video, and links with more info about the artist (reverbnation, facebook, myspace, youtube) will help a lot. Also, the song will need to be professionally recorded, or atleast good enough to be on the radio. Bad vocal recordings will make the quality from the whole project lower dramatically. The song CAN be catchy, but that doesn't matter if the vocals sound like they were recorded using the built in microphone from a laptop.


By the way, I'll need little bit more info than "aye bro I need a video". If you want a video, It would help A LOT if you provide a link to your song, and some insight as to who you are.


Commercials/Promo Videos

E-mail for quote.*

To schedule a commercial or promotional video, please email me at with the specifics of the project. The more specific your description is, the better. I need to know what I'm getting into.



Unfortunately, I currently do not do weddings at this time.

Photography packages starting at $50.

Email for details.

*Prices are NOT negotiable!


**If a shoot requires more days than originally planned, I may charge a little bit extra depending on the specifics of the project.


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© 2014 Fuzzy KitteH Films & Photography

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